Teaching materials

Students in the GSUB

Teachers of the Faculty 5, Geosciences , and 2, Biology/Chemistry, of the University of Bremen and the Alfred-Wegener Institution for Polar Research in Bremerhaven may borrow material from the Geosciences Collection for teaching at the university as well as in the Schullabor . Exceptions are only type specimens and particularly fragile material. The loan of material for teaching needs a loan form, like in the case of loans for scientific work and for public exhibitions. Especially the collection of plant fossils in hard coal is very popular for teaching, also for comparisons with recent plant communities. Furthermore, index fossils throughout the Earth’s history for education on historical geology and recent bivalves and gastropods. Courses on mineral deposits most often use the excellent mineral collection with gold and silver and rocks like iron- and manganese ores.

Contact: Martin Krogmann